Ordinary Day: Facebook Memories
Five weeks ago, April 27th, was an ordinary day. Like I do most mornings, I arose bleary eyes from multiple alarms and padded to the bathroom with my phone and readers in hand. As I am getting my bearings and working on getting fully awake I look at news and email, then I scroll Facebook to see what's going on in my friend's worlds to the waning dark giving way to the sunrise through the bathroom window. This is my quiet before my daily routine. But that morning I was reminded of another ordinary day seven years ago because of Facebook memories and the pang of estrangement appeared.
There are things I have forgotten that have happened over
time. The ordinary things. Like a spring day going to Findlay Market, followed
by an afternoon in Eden Park, followed by a single-girl meal trip to the grocery
store seven years ago with my youngest child. We laughed and had fun. It’s those ordinary days that are the treasures
of my life. It was just an ordinary day and thinking about it warms me. When I
get social media or one drive memories they used to be painful because of the estrangement but in recent months it's been an acknowledgement of happy days.
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