Critical thinking


One can live for years sometimes without living at all, and then all life comes crowding into one single hour. ~Oscar Wilde

Yeah, and I bet my hour will come when I’m too doddery to make the most of it.

Don’t assume its an hour full of great things… sometimes it’ll be your ruin, and you’ll be grateful it felled you in your older years instead of in your youth. Well that sounds like shit. I’ve lived a thousand lifetimes in this life, and I have a thousand left to go, in this lifetime.

Youth is wasted on the young. ~Oscar Wilde.

Oscar died aged 46, that's not particularly old. He wrote some incredibly profound things, and like many sensitive, insightful people, he suffered a great deal in his tragically short life. But, I'm not sure he had insight in aging.

People copy and share these kind of quotes, not just by him but by others too, without any real critical thinking.

...just musing on an ordinary day.


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